
Santorum Exits: The Rivals For The President's Election Are Finally Defined

The Economist: Rick Santorum exits

Thank Heaven, the most awful Republican candidate ever suspended his campaign, leaving Mitt Romney to fight for Republicans on the election. To explain why Santorum was so bad, let me just quote one sentence from the Economist article:
His views on social issues were well outside the mainstream, he said odd things about sex and contraception, and he saw creeping "Islamofascism" around every corner.
I strongly recommend to read the whole article. It's relatively small and extremely well-written. And the author's attitude toward Santorum is expressed without any sign of political ethics or moderation. Maybe it is the main charm of British press, actually - it is almost entire free of political concerns, especially the Economist.

So now it is Mitt Romney against Barack Obama. While Romney has way more reasonable views than Santorum, I would strongly prefer Barack Obama to be elected for the second term. A lot of various problems may appear if Republican party wins.

The major one is the fact that most Republicans tend to support hawkish views on economics, and Mitt Romney is not an exception. While the possible rise of inflation if the ideas of some Democrats are implemented will be definitely dangerous, U.S. economics can suffer greatly if the stimulation of the economics stop now. Besides, Mitt Romney promised not to appoint Ben Bernanke for the third term. And today, when the whole world is dependent on the state of the economy of USA, this issue should bother not only American citizens.

Also there is no chance that the Dream Act and other laws connected with immigration issues will pass if Mitt Romney wins the election. Current immigration system is ridiculous and unfair. The country once created by immigrants now requires people who want to move there to spend years trying to find way to fulfill their dream. Immigration systems used by Canada, Australia or Great Britain have flaws, but they are much more transparent and the requirement are easier to meet.

If Mitt Romney wins, there may appear other changes in political and economic policies that are not so evident now. Anyway now it's almost useless to try to predict anything. Let's just wait and we'll see.

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