
The Return of the...

Hello, everybody!
There was no single post from me in this blog for more than 3 months, sorry about that. I doubt that I still have any readers, but I hope they'll return eventually. Now I hope to write a bit more often.

A lot of things happened during these three months - I have started a full-time job as an analyst at VC fund after completing a three month internship, I have begun my last year at the university, some other things have changed... But I don't want to bore anybody with all that stuff. Let's just talk about a new format of this blog I want to use from now.

Earlier this year I used to publish some thoughts on events and news in the world of economics and finance that I found interesting. And while it was quite funny and educating (for me in the first place), I don't think that this format has any future for me - not in this way, at least. I just don't have enough time for it - and besides there are always more news I would like to cover than I can just because it can be very time-consuming.

So, from now I will focus on one particular sphere - tech and especially tech startups. As I work in VC, I spend a lot of time monitoring market for new interesting companies and ideas, so I think there can be some interesting information I can put on this blog. I don't try pursue any particular goal - just want to share some of my thoughts on the market and maybe to get some comments in response (comments are highly encouraged, actually :-) ).

Well, that's not completely true - I do pursue one goal - I hope to draw some more attention to the Russian startup scene and at the same time to tell people in Russia (yes, I am writing in English, but quite a lot of people there actually know English so they won't have a problem reading this blog) about some interesting startups that are being created in their home country.

In fact, Russian tech market looks quite attractive - there are quite a lot of interesting companies created in the last few years, and at the same time the amount of possibilities still seems to be bottomless and competition is low. But there are two major problems - seed financing is underdeveloped and the culture of entrepreneurship in the country is awful. These problems can be solved, but it'll take time and some efforts from both entrepreneurs and investors.

I don't aim to contribute anything particularly valuable to the solution of this problem, won't publish any information that is not in public access, and won't try to write a magic article on how to create a successful billion-dollar company - if fact, I want to know that kind of things myself. But maybe some information and links provided there will be able to help somebody or at least will be a bit interesting.

Anyway, I hope it'll be funny for me to write and to somebody to read all the stuff. Frankly speaking, I have missed this blog.

1 comment:

  1. And what are examples of "a lot of interesting tech companies created in the last few years"in Russia?And,in your opinion,which of them will be profitable?
