
IT - industry that never sleeps: Facebook, Groupon, Apple news

Being pretty busy this week, I'll only post links to a few topics worth reading today.

Technology sector draws a lot of attention nowadays, but this week is particularly generous on news.

After Friday report on the fourth quarter earnings (or losses, actually) Groupon lost more than 10% of stock price on Monday, proving again the inefficiency of the business model it operates, and the downgrade continues:

Groupon Tests Investors’ Faith After Revising its Earnings Downward


Apple stock price is still rising, beating $630 mark recently. I hope to finish and publish the third part of my observations on the topic this week.


And the last one - Facebook's IPO is approaching, but what will be next? There is an interesting article on the topic on Businessweek:

Facebook Delves Deeper Into Search

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