
About this blog


I have been thinking about starting a blog or some other social website like that, and I am not particularly happy with twitter and current social networks. So let it be a blog.

A few words about myself. My name is Alexander Dadashev. At the moment I am a penultimate student of Moscow State University in Russia. My majors are math and economics, but my real fields of interest are finance, management and, maybe, macroeconomics. My extracurricular interests include photography, cinema , writing and some others.

If you'd like to ask, why on earth someone living in Russia decided to write in English, well, it's not that easy to find that answer. I think I just wanted to have an ability to interact not only with those who speak Russian. Besides, I hope that for my friends and possible readers from Russia English won't be a problem.

Today I think it'll be some sort of a personal blog. In my studies there are sometimes ideas, conceptions or facts, which I'd like to be able to share with other in order to hear opinions, for example. So I'll use this blog to share some of my sorts, mainly on economic or financial topics.

Hope that it'll be interesting for somebody.

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