
Ben Bernanke - Saving the economy or destroying it?

Ben Bernanke is maybe the most interesting and controversial figure in the recent economics history. Some people accuse him of inconsiderate and risky management of Federal Reserve system, others think that he has done his best during the financial crysis.

Personally, I tend to agree with the latter. Late-2000s financial crysis was quite unique, if not something completely new. The world has never faced such storm in the economy, even the Great Depression was better in some aspects. Maybe there was a better way to rescue financial system, but taking into account time constraints and the great compexity of modern global economy, I don't think that the work done by Ben Bernanke and his team can be frown at.

Anyway, it's always interesting to read something thoughtful enough and free of prompt accusations on this theme. Today, I found an article in the Atlantic magazine, thanks to blog of professor Gregory Mankiw. He describes the author Roger Lowenstein as "always reliable", so it seems to me that this article is definitely worth reading.

Ben Bernanke - the Villain

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